Monday, October 31, 2011

3 days more !

Setiap hari aku berfikir tentang hari yang bakal mendatang itu.
Aku berharap agar Allah permudahkan segala urusan.
Aku tak mintak lebih.
Aku dah berusaha.
Semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Wajah Kesayangan Hamba.

Saya rindu awak semua.
Awak semua dah jadi macam adik-beradik saya sendiri.
Banyak kenangan kita.
Suka dan duka bersama.
Perkara macam ni lah yang mendewasakan saya.

Saya rindu tentang macam-macam perkara :
Bersih rumah.
Pergi kolej sama-sama.
Bergelak ketawa.
Bergurau senda.
And banyak lagi lah kalau nak ditulis kat sini.

Inilah yang dinamakan takdir.
Setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan.
Kita perlu lalui liku-liku perjalanan sendiri.
Ikut diri masing-masing.
Perjalanan kita semua masih panjang.
Semoga kita bertemu lagi.
Berharap agar setiap titik persahabatan ini berkekalan sepanjang hayat.

Time To Love.

Once upon a time,
There was an island where all the felling lived,
Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge and all others, include Love.
One day, it was announced to the feeling that the island would sink.
So, they all prepare boasts and left.
Love was the only one who stayed.
But, when Love was almost sinking, she decided to ask help.

Love:              Help. Help..! Who can help me?
                        Richness, can you take me with you?
Richness:       No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold in my balloon there is no place here for you $$$.

Love:              Sadness, let me go with you?
Sadness:        Oh, Love. I am so sad that I prefer to go alone.

Love:              Happiness, help me~
Happiness was so happy so he did not listen when Love call him.”

When Love was almost given up asking for help, suddenly, there was a voice.
Come Love, I will take you.
The one who helped Love is an elder.
Love became very happy that she even forgot to ask the elder his name.
When they arrived on dry land,
The elder went on his own way.
Then, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, the name of the elder who had helped her.
Knowledge:   His name is Time.
Love:              Time? But, why did Time help me?
Knowledge:   Because, only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.
Love:              Oh.

“Take the Time to know what real Love is!”